Horses & Carts
One of the frustrating things when setting up this business has been the linear nature of some of the tasks you need to complete. For instance, in order to get an agency to provide premium finance I need to get a Consumer Credit Licence. In order to get a Consumer Credit Licence I need to provide an authorisation date from the FSA. As this was agreed for 01/03/2013 this was the date I gave the OFT for the CCL. Due to the electronic nature of the CCL application, this date was not recognised, being in the future. Therefore I have to bring forward the effective date of my authorisation with the FSA. No problem, but then I need to also bring forward the effective date of my professional indemnity insurance!
Nothing is ever simple in today's world. Perhaps that means it is easier to make mistakes, let something slip, drop one of the balls being juggled?
Make sure you have considered protecting against these mishaps using appropriate insurance.