Corporate Manslaughter

As I Tweeted the other day, I attended a great presentation regarding Corporate Manslaughter at Hiscox Insurance. You might rightly think that it sounds a real dull session and time to catch up on the Twitter timeline, but any time you listen to someone with a passion and deep knowledge of a subject borne out of experience of being along for the ride, you can't help but be interested.

With cases being ramped up now (40% more in 2012 than the previous year) it seems the police, CPS, and HSE are now getting to grips with this and using their extensive powers.

The case of R v Lion Steel particularly showed the human element of what effect a single, terrible accident, can have on the lives of the previously content directors.

Don't allow yourself to be cut adrift in these circumstances. Prepare for the unexpected and discuss with me how you can protect yourself for the worst.